Sunday, July 27, 2008

Getting Ready for Singapore

Well - something exciting is finally happening in our life. Chad's work is sending him to Singapore for a week, so I am tagging along. Various relatives are taking our kids, and we are spending 12 glorious (I hope) days in Singapore. You will be able to check in daily and see pictures of what our day has been like. I hope it's as fun and exciting as I hope, although I do plan on spending at least one day by the pool with Breaking Dawn (see above). No kids, no phone, just me and Edward!!!

I'll try to update as much as possible during our trip. 3 more days and counting

1 comment:

SteveandChar said...

Yeah, Breaking Dawn! So where are you going to pick up a copy? You're leaving Thursday, right? And it doesn't come out 'til Sat?